That was how I felt tonight, when my blue mood forced me to make a decision: watch episodes of The Simpsons online, or get in the kitchen and do something different. Well, after the first three Simpsons episodes, I decided that I should do something for others, hopefully with a delicious result.
Haven't we all tried the Seven Layer Magic Cookie bars at some point? The treat goes by so many different names now, all with different results. I thought I would take what I had in my cupboard and put together my own variation. I won't lie; I was emboldened by my cupcake flavor winning first prize, and I thought that, perhaps, I could throw something together all of my own.

These are not the Magic Cookie bars that you may have enjoyed at bake sales or from your mother's oven. These are an adaptation that I am excited to show my co-workers tomorrow.
Of course, anyone could have put these together. The whole point, I believe, is to try new things and mix in whatever gets your fancy.
I'm just happy that I was able to tonight (and with the butter, is truly is 7 layers!)
Christie's Seven Layer Magic Cookie Bar
¼ cup unsalted butter
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
½ cup milk chocolate chips
½ cup peanut butter chips
½ cup oats
1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/3 cups shredded coconut
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Melt butter and coat in a 13 x 9 inch pan
3. Spread crumbs evenly over bottom of pan and pat to make a firm crust. Layer chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and oats over crumbs. Pour condensed milk over the mixture. Sprinkle coconut over condensed milk.
4. Bake for 24-27 minutes, until everything is set. Let cool.
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